Been a busy bee since the last entry. By the end of May there, I wrote 137pgs and finished an additional 269, totaling 406. During that time, I finished two different saga's, Children of One

And Cape Dread

And just finished another one this Saturday, although I'm not resting on my laurels. (Also printed 125pgs as of this entry)
As I type this, I'm also reaching out to literary agents hoping to get picked up. You've seen the characters, read their bio's and want to see their stories, I'm just hoping with the right person or team, we can make it so more people want to read about them and make them household names.
Unlike last time, I do want to say a lot more this year, and keep everyone informed of how things will be going. I'll also have a belated 2 and half year review on my Bronco soon enough, getting some work done on her as we speak.
For now, just a brief update. Thanks for taking a look and have a great day now!